Track, Prioritize & Close Inquiry
A ticketing system support, that helps the supervisor, monitor and visualize the functioning of the business. A real-time dashboard and detailed reports to help you get a birds-eye view of all the operations. provides you with all the tools necessary to analyze your business effectively. Multiple filters are available to help you get an overview of all the tickets that are raised. Filter tickets based on the channel that customers reach out to you through, by priority of the ticket, by its status, by the department that it is addressed to and by ratings that the customers give your agents.Evaluate and analyze the performance of your agents with intelligent analytics and a smart dashboard.

Tickets by Channel
A ticketing system support that helps you view all the tickets based on the channels that a particular query has been raised on; such as twitter, facebook, calls, SMS or email.
Tickets by priority
Certain issues need your attention more than others. The priority of a ticket will decide your plan of action. A ticketing system support that helps you prioritize your tickets and presents tickets according to the urgency of the issue. This is further segregated based on low, medium, high or urgent priority.

Ticket by Status
A ticketing system support that helps you segregate your tickets based on their status. Get an overview of the tickets that are open, closed, on hold and the ones that are pending.

Ticket by Agent
A ticketing system support that helps your management view tickets based on the agent that it is assigned to. Get an overview of the status of the tickets of your agents and evaluate the performance of your agents based on the number of tickets that are resolved and the number of tickets that are pending.

Ticket by Department
As a part of management, you may handle many departments, and different tickets are addressed to different departments based on the nature of the issue. A ticketing system support that helps you segregate issues according to different departments.

Customer Happiness Rating
A ticketing system support that helps you keep track of customer satisfaction based on the ratings that they provide. Keep a track on the individual performance of your agents by viewing the ratings that your customers provide.

Agent Break Report
Keep a track on the number of breaks that your agents take and time that they spend off their desk.

Company-Wise Detailed Report
Get a detailed report of the overall experience of a particular company with you. View all the tickets that have raised by them, the number of open tickets, resolved and closed tickets, plan a course of action according to the reports and analytics derived.

Send an Email of the Reports
As a part of management, you don’t have to access each time to receive all the reports of the performance of your team. Get detailed reports of the performance of your team directly sent on email. Get regular reports of the operations of business directly on your email based on filters that you choose.